Image En Mouvement (IEM) is a collective that was created to bring art to life via visual digital displays of dancers to be enjoyed by all, as part of the lifestyle brand of dance2b Studios. We are extremely passionate about emerging in the international market as our inspirations and experience has been developed from our travels abroad for personal and business interests. Being dancers, first and foremost, with a passion to evolve and create with other artists, we have continued to explore collaborations with broadway producers, film producers and fashion designers in the pursuit of delivering unique and expansive art collections that are currently in development. Both Henry and Jennifer are Artistic Producers with the aim to create and expand the beauty and business of dance. Their original work "FREEZE FRAME" extracts the beauty of a dance artist in a fashion portrayal. Dance should be seen on stage and a screen. This method illustrates the meaning behind dance with the body as the instrument that at any given moment in time a picture can be taken of the muse that is phenomenal